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Clothespin Bee Craft for Kids

Looking for a fun and creative activity to do with the kids? Why not try making a Clothespin Bee Craft! This adorable craft is not only easy to make but also super cute. All you need are some clothespins, yellow and black paint, googly eyes, and pipe cleaners to bring these little bees to life. Let the kids unleash their creativity by painting the clothespins yellow and black, adding googly eyes for that extra charm, and shaping the pipe cleaners into cute little antennae. Whether they are buzzing around the garden or displayed proudly on the fridge, these Clothespin Bees are sure to bring a smile to everyone's face!


  • wooden clothespin
  • yellow paint
  • paintbrush
  • black marker
  • coffee filter
  • pipe cleaner
  • two black pom poms

Step 1: Paint the coffee filter yellow. Set it aside to dry.

Step 2: Paint one side of the clothespin yellow. Once it’s dried, use a black marker to draw eyes, a mouth and stripes.

Step 3: Gather the coffee filter in the middle and secure it with the clothespin.

Step 4: Use the pipe cleaner to make antennae. Cut part of it and glue two small black pom poms at both ends. One pom pom goes at each end. Bend the pipe cleaner in a V shape and add it on top of the coffee filter.

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